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Original Title: Collapse

Genge: Action,Drama,War












































Jason and the SEAL Team must protect the American Embassy in South Sudan when the ambassador refuses to evacuate as the country becomes increasingly unstable.
To maintain their weight even during "Training Cycle" U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.s eat a lot, tray would have been stacked with food "Stack it on", S.E.A.L. "Blubber". Not some kind of weight loss diet as portrayed by this Episode. Equal to half a rotisserie chicken with the fatty salty skin on top of a plate full of spaghetti with lots of salt (salt lost during training, too much salt lost and not replaced means "Done". Painful Muscle Cramps as "Non Mission Capable"). Pinto Beans with chunks of meat lots of tomato paste on top of plate full of white rice. Typical, "vegetables" a scoop of macaroni salad on top of a lettuce leaves or a bowl of green beans. "Fruits" a bowl of peaches, pears, or mixed fruit salad in sugar syrup (lots of sugar) with a dab of cottage cheese. Desert, a hand sized fudge brownie, 1.5 inches thick. Breakfast 10 scrambled eggs with 1 inch chunks of ham, 3 cups of rice or mashed potatoes, chipped beef or brown gravy poured on top, bowl of pinto beans, bowl of mixed fruits in sugar syrup. U.S. Navy usually serves great food.

This TV nonsense shows the kinds that usually fail BUD/S, as muscular "He Man" Types or U.S. Football Types, when in fact BUD/S requires more stamina and endurance types like Marathon Runners, Iron Man Triathletes, Multi Event Olympic Gymnasts. This is also true for U.S. Army Special Forces, U.S.M.C. Force Recon (U.S.M.C. MARSOC), U.S.A.F. Special Operations Wing Special Tactics Teams.

Weight lost during BUD/S from 5 pounds to 20 pounds. U.S. Army Ranger School 10 pounds to 15 pounds. U.S. Army Special Forces School 5 pounds to 20 pounds. U.S.M.C. MARSOC 5 pounds to 15 pounds. U.S.A.F. Special Tactics Teams School 5 pounds to 10 pounds. C.I.A. "The Farm" taught by the CIA's SAD or SOG 5 pounds to 20 pounds. During Schools Trainees often have to intentionally prevent themselves from throwing up, as not used to eating this much to maintain weight and body mass (muscles).

U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.s usually do a Mission and then Return to a Base. U.S. Army Special Forces do the Long Duration Missions like living with the Local Population weeks, months, years, like the Foreign Internal Defense (FID) Mission, and Humanitarian Assistance (HA) Mission (Health Care of Medical, Dental, Vision), Insurgency Warfare, Counter Insurgency Warfare, Counter Terrorist Warfare, average amount eaten is Two Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) per meal plus a First Strike Ration (FSR) eaten between meals. Usually the short duration Direct Action (DA) Mission are done by the less experienced young U.S. Army Special Forces that have not been trained to provide Health Care of the Humanitarian Assistance Mission, and or did not complete the Cultural Anthropology Courses of the Areas of Operations including Languages (Native Speaking level, including reading and writing) to do the Foreign Internal Defense Mission (Training other Nations Forces to Fight), Insurgency Warfare (creating a Force of Local Population to Overthrow an Established Government).

Sending a "Master Chief" E-9 on a Mission with the U.S. Department of State, Presidential Political Appointee Ambassador, does not happen, an Insult. November 2010 U.S. Army Special Forces sent Three ODAs and Two ODBs to the U.S. Embassy Tripoli, Mission Insurgency Warfare, Obama's "Regime Change" as "Overthrow U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi. The U.S. Army Special Forces sent Two ODAs and one ODB with a LTC (O-5) Wood in Command to the U.S. Embassy Tripoli, Mission Evaluate Physical Security of U.S. Embassy Tripoli and U.S. Consulate Benghazi Libya, later Mission changed Assist Democrat President Obama's Supported Non Libyan "Obama Libyan Rebels" of Al Quada's Ansar Al Shariah to Overthrow U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi of Libya a U.S. Ally since 2006.

Most U.S. Military Special Operations Teams are Commanded by an O-3 with a Chief Warrant Officer or an O-2 as Executive Officer, E-9s as the Senior NCO, E-8s and E-7s are the Team Members. E-6s are the Newbies. When a 12 to 13 Team is split into 6 person Teams the Team Commander O-3 is in charge of 6 (Gold Fire Team), the O-2 Commands the other 6 person Team (Red Fire Team), in this case an Officer either O-2 or O-3 would be in Command not an E-9. In this case there would be another Team operational control of the Team Commander to provide Logistics Support, like an U.S. Army Special Forces ODB, that in the Event the Mission Team is Non Mission Capable (Killed In Action), this Team resumes the Mission. U.S. Army Special Forces would have sent in another Team that specializes in the Extraction of U.S. Civilians from Foreign Nations. Depending on Situation U.S. Army Special Forces would have sent in another Team that Specialized in Rescue Recapture Recovery. Even though all U.S. Army Special Forces are trained to do the Extraction Mission, Rescue Recapture Recovery Mission, Search And Rescue (SAR) Mission, Hostage Rescue Mission, 1st Detachment Locate and Capture High Value Enemy "Snatch and Grab" Mission, these Specialized Teams have high rates of previous proved success (Experience). U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.s are trained more like "Crash Teams" of Locating and Killing the Enemy, U.S. Army Special Forces Specialized "Snatch and Grab" Teams Locate and Capture High Valued Enemy Intelligence Sources using Non Lethal Weapons and Non Lethal Munitions that can put a full grown Bear down alive, usually there is also a U.S. Army Special Forces Team Member trained as a Physician's Assistant with Surgical Skills (Considered a Doctor and Surgeon by most Nations) to treat the Enemy Target as well as the Team Members.

President Bush's 2001 CIA Operation Neptune Spear, It is essential to Locate and Capture Osama Bin Laden to gain his thought processes and planning processes he (OBL) imprinted on his (OBL) Leadership for the U.S. to preemptively interdict All Al Quada Terrorist Activities Worldwide. With the U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.s killing Osama Bin Laden, the U.S. Lost a First Hand Source of Intelligence, compromising All Al Quada Operations.

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