PlayIt4ward-Furman University

Free Download Banged Out ->>> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Banged Out

Genge: Action,Crime














































The story is simple - three guys; cousins from the same family, one a member of the Bloods, the other a member of the Crips, the third, caught between the ignorance. An urban tale, spawning grit and realism, Banged Out dares to open a Pandora's box of wicked truths.
This is quite possibly the lowest-budget movie I've ever seen. 90% of the shots seem to have been done with a camcorder, dialogue sounds like it's being spoken through a pillow, and the violence looks so fake as to seem comical. But I see this as a positive element. It lends a gritty, realistic feel uncommon in other films of this genre.

Yeah, Banged Out is realistic. A bit TOO realistic. Why? It's boring and indecipherable. Let's face it, real life is unexciting. Why director Richie Mac feels we need to be shown various random aspects of these characters' lives is beyond me. There is absolutely nothing here you haven't seen before, whether on screen or in real life.

I guess my main complaint with this flick is that, while the plot is simple enough, it's almost impossible to keep up with what's going on. People get pissed for no apparent reason. Some characters wear the same clothing throughout the entire movie. And one guy (I'm not joking, I swear) dies and shows up later on driving around his neighborhood with no explanation. This would be slightly helped (but not much) if the dialogue was audible.

Beers required before viewing: 10-12 In this film Richie Mac not only directed the project, but we wrote, produced, directed, edited, shot it (on a camcorder or some format less than Beta SP) and got a national distribution deal. Wow! It's hard as hell to get your title placed in Blockbuster.

Themed the realest story over told was correct in the true art of "Gorilla Film-making" because, he went inside the elements of the story like a fly-on-the-wall and told a story in 80 minutes that touched several human emotions such as crying, laughing and anger. He made you care about the characters especially Andre and Emory.

Even though we've seen "Boyz In The Hood" and "Menace II Society," they were both done with budgets over $350K. However, Richie Mac probably only spent around $20K to get pass the stage of talking about being a filmmaker to becoming one. (Big Ups!!!!) This project has inspired me to work even harder to hurdle the Hollywood barriers and not just be a dreamer, but a complete my dream of being an independent filmmaker...NO MORE EXCUSES ABOUT BUDGET.


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